Friday, November 14, 2008

"If conclusions were cliffs then maybe we wouldn't jump so often. Maybe not at all."

"Since we have eliminated our natural predators, we now prey on each other."

"Rainy weekends are nature's way of making us relax."

"...Hiking seemed to be the only way any of us came to understand the burden of possessing too much."

"When you don't have any money, everything is high priced."

"Every time that I look in the mirror, all these lines on my face are gettin' clearer."

"If having a high forehead denotes high intelligence then I get smarter every time I look in the mirror."

"When reality bites -- bite back."

"If you want to see something happen, call it impossible."

"The industrial age has so alienated and so conditioned the human, that survival outside the industrial bubble is difficult."

Ed. - But not impossible.

"Travel light."

"Only in a viable natural world can there be a viable human world."

"I'm not really losing my hair -- it's just migrating down my back."

"It's hell to be popular."

"Our forefathers cut down the wilderness so we could plant saplings in our housing developments."

"Don't be too busy improving the world -- to devote some time to enjoying it at it is."

"If you do it right the first time -- then you only have to do it one time."

"The future whispers while the present shouts."

"You can't change the date of your birth, but the date of your death is slightly more flexible."

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."

"Story of our species, everyone knows it's coming, but not so soon."

"Isn't it amazing? In the information society, nobody thinks. We expected to banish paper, but we actually banished thought."

"Only in the U.S. will you see a 'Just say no to drugs' ad sandwiched between an aspirin and a beer commercial."

"If drugs are so awful, why don't we have medicine stores?"

"You can have stuff or you can have money but if you have stuff and money, then you got too damned much money."

"The only thing that frightens me about middle-age is the fact that you'll outgrow it!"

"We have so successfully insulated ourselves from the natural world that we no longer have to worry about predators or our survival. Now all we have to worry about is each other."

"You know that you're meant for each other when you both ridicule the same things."

"Only the mediocre are always at their best."

"Eating lower on the food chain is a great idea. I just hope I never have to drink lower on the beer chain."

"There are no jobs on a dead planet."

"Keep an open mind, but don't let your brains fall out."

"The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it."

"Money is easy to get. Getting large quantities of it however, is another story."

"You can change a persons mind easier than you can change the way they feel about something."

"Why waste time learning when ignorance is instantaneous?"

"I guess every form of refuge has its price."

"Why does the box always outlast the shoes?"

"The worst thing about going to funerals, is that you know that you'll be going to at least one more."

"Be careful what you wish for because your wish might come true."

"What good is a house if you don't have a decent planet to put it on?"

"If your Earth is falling apart, there go your plans for summer vacation."

"I don't have an ultimate goal in life because if I reached it ... what then?"

"I know a lot about a lot of things but I don't know everything about anything. But then, who does? Who even wants to?"

"I just want to be remembered as someone who gave a shit."

"I love children -- other people's children."

"The easiest way to find out who you are and what you want, is to find out who you aren't and what you don't want."

"The only constant in life is change."

"Thinking is just having a conversation with yourself."

"We behave just like water and electricity -- we take the path of least resistance."

"...It is turmoil and confusion and not calm assurance that mark the growth of the mind..."

"...Nothing so persuades a man to accept a novel idea as the sense that he already knew it to be true."

"The average person seems perfectly content to settle for being -- average."

"It's those restless hearts that never mend."

"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."

"I used to see the world in black-and-white, now all I can see are shades of gray."

"Back off man -- I'm a scientist."

FRANCIS: "If you call me Francis, I'll kill ya. If you touch my stuff, I'll kill ya." SERGEANT HULKA: "Lighten up Francis."